At our clinic, we perform procedures only after ensuring that you fully understand and consent to the details of the procedure, including its content, method, potential side effects, risks, and aftercare.
Therefore, if communication in Japanese is challenging, we may be unable to provide treatment.
We kindly ask that you either bring an interpreter with you or ensure that you can maintain constant contact with an interpreter during your visit.
Please note that if someone who is not a certified medical interpreter acts as your interpreter, there is a risk that explanations regarding your treatment may not be accurately translated, potentially leading to misunderstandings or miscommunication. In such cases, it may be difficult to provide safe medi-cal care, and we may have to decline your visit to our clinic.
In such cases, it may be difficult to provide safe medical care, and we may have to decline your visit to our clinic.
To ensure that all visitors receive safe and appropriate medical care, we kindly request your understanding and cooperation in facilitating neutral and accurate communication.